Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Perfect Country

I've been thinking about what (in my opinion) the perfect country would be like. During conversations with my family members, I've decided to start writing down some of my ideas for this 'perfect country', but first, I IN NO WAY INTEND TO MAKE THE IDEAS EXPRESSED IN THE FOLLOWING POST A REALITY. Now that we have that out of the way, let's get on to business.

Entrance to the 'perfect country'
(NOTE: the first batch of immagrants will be less strict as far as rules go to get a population.)
- To gain entrance to the perfect country, you need an IQ of at least 110.
- NO criminal record within the last 20 years.
- Speak at least 2 languages.
- Be prepared to help world problems if called upon.
- Completed highest level of education (not including post secondary).

for now this is what i have come up with concerning gaining entrance. stay tuned for more on laws, etc.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Bad Idea #1

Well today i had the great idea of building my own scuba gear. Thats right, I build my own scuba tank out of a 1 gallon garden sprayer, a regulator, an extra rubbaer hose, and the mouthpiece of  snorkel. After that I pumped it up to around 45psi. Here are my results.

4ft: 1 min 34 sec
9ft: 1 min 3 sec

Little Cousin
4ft: 2 min 9 sec
9ft: not tested

Well there you have it, my home built scuba gear.

New PC Case

I recently got a new computer case made by RaidMax, and ever since I got it I've noticed that my PC has been running a little quieter and cooler. Maybe its because the RaidMAx has 6 more fans than my old Logisys case.

        OLD : NEW
Height  16  :  16
Width   7   :   8
Fans    1   :   7

Wll thats my new case, (I'll probably make a video to show you guys the difference)

P.S: I have recontinued my learning of c++. If you want a great tutorial series, Click This Link